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    Rank Now Rank Last
    Name Points After
    Last Match
    Points Before
    Last Match
    + /- Last Result
    Entered Date
    1 1 Jim Masland 256.41 256.41 0.00 10-Aug-2008
    2 3 Daron Keet 237.79 237.78 0.00 29-Jul-2008
    3 2 Jk Wasson 234.95 233.43 1.51 29-Jul-2008
    4 4 Maurizio Mazzocco 229.53 230.75 -1.21 29-Jul-2008
    5 3 Vijay Prasad 201.29 201.30 -0.01 29-Jul-2008
    6 - Scott Begg 200.00 200.00 0.00 -
    7 7 Jason Ladd 195.21 195.21 0.00 18-May-2008
    8 6 Marwan Maalouf 185.62 185.62 0.00 10-Aug-2008
    9 11 Ed Soong 154.11 154.11 0.00 08-Jul-2008
    10 - Allan Sternberg 150.00 150.00 0.00 -
    11 7 Josh Mallamud 142.25 142.25 0.00 10-Aug-2008
    12 12 Stacy Shartin 134.77 134.76 0.01 02-Jul-2008
    13 10 Prasanth Ganesan 112.72 109.96 2.76 02-Jul-2008
    14 10 Alan Yuille 112.04 110.61 1.43 02-Jul-2008
    15 12 Robin Hurley 106.35 108.56 -2.21 02-Jul-2008
    16 13 Matt Beller 105.10 105.10 0.00 08-Jul-2008
    17 16 James Dwyer 104.13 98.13 6.00 02-Jul-2008
    18 17 Derek Hill 103.26 101.41 1.85 01-Jul-2008
    19 - Brian Macleod 102.80 102.23 0.56 24-Jul-2008
    20 - Simon Beardmore 100.07 100.04 0.02 02-Jul-2008
    21 20 Julianne Kravitz 99.24 97.76 1.47 02-Jul-2008
    22 17 Robin Saacks 97.78 97.04 0.73 14-Jul-2008
    23 17 John Arenson 96.36 97.51 -1.15 02-Jul-2008
    24 20 Amyn Sachedina 94.45 93.47 0.98 02-Jul-2008
    25 21 Nader Shoaibi 91.63 90.77 0.85 23-Jul-2008
    26 25 Larry Klein 91.31 88.55 2.76 02-Jul-2008
    27 23 Steven Birch 90.47 88.95 1.51 25-Aug-2008
    28 29 Louis Kessel 84.59 85.81 -1.21 25-Aug-2008
    29 26 David Oshinsky 80.46 81.05 -0.59 14-Jul-2008
    30 30 John Murdock 79.82 79.64 0.17 01-Jun-2008
    31 34 John Simons 78.65 79.11 -0.45 24-Jul-2008
    32 27 Charles Altmann 76.57 77.26 -0.69 23-Jul-2008
    33 31 Fabio Nonnenmacher 70.73 66.19 4.54 02-Jul-2008
    34 36 Roderick Knight 65.42 65.45 -0.03 02-Jul-2008
    35 36 Rob Van tuin 65.20 68.37 -3.17 23-Jul-2008
    36 30 Ian Watson 64.84 67.76 -2.92 24-Jul-2008
    37 35 Joseph Alguire 58.26 54.61 3.64 24-Jul-2008
    38 38 Dan Lautman 55.85 53.78 2.07 02-Jul-2008
    39 36 Bill Block 47.42 47.54 -0.11 02-Jul-2008
    40 37 Russell Chase 47.21 50.00 -2.78 09-Jun-2008
    41 39 Alexis Denisof 44.45 45.67 -1.21 17-Jul-2008
    42 40 Sarath Reddy 31.15 28.62 2.52 27-Jun-2008
    43 41 Clare Young 22.51 22.63 -0.11 02-Jul-2008
    44 42 Victoria Keen 12.77 12.77 0.00 02-Jul-2008

    256.41 Jim Masland (1)
    237.79 Daron Keet (2)
    234.95 Jk Wasson (3)
    229.53 Maurizio Mazzocco (4)
    201.29 Vijay Prasad (5)
    200.00 Scott Begg (6)
    195.21 Jason Ladd (7)
    185.62 Marwan Maalouf (8)
    154.11 Ed Soong (9)
    150.00 Allan Sternberg (10)
    142.25 Josh Mallamud (11)
    134.77 Stacy Shartin (12)
    112.72 Prasanth Ganesan (13)
    112.04 Alan Yuille (14)
    106.35 Robin Hurley (15)
    105.10 Matt Beller (16)
    104.13 James Dwyer (17)
    103.26 Derek Hill (18)
    102.80 Brian Macleod (19)
    100.07 Simon Beardmore (20)
    99.24 Julianne Kravitz (21)
    97.78 Robin Saacks (22)
    96.36 John Arenson (23)
    94.45 Amyn Sachedina (24)
    91.63 Nader Shoaibi (25)
    91.31 Larry Klein (26)
    90.47 Steven Birch (27)
    84.59 Louis Kessel (28)
    80.46 David Oshinsky (29)
    79.82 John Murdock (30)
    78.65 John Simons (31)
    76.57 Charles Altmann (32)
    70.73 Fabio Nonnenmacher (33)
    65.42 Roderick Knight (34)
    65.20 Rob Van tuin (35)
    64.84 Ian Watson (36)
    58.26 Joseph Alguire (37)
    55.85 Dan Lautman (38)
    47.42 Bill Block (39)
    47.21 Russell Chase (40)
    44.45 Alexis Denisof (41)
    31.15 Sarath Reddy (42)
    22.51 Clare Young (43)
    12.77 Victoria Keen (44)

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