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Squash Leagues Management System

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Tri Fit


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So you're thinking of joining Tri Fit. We don't actually allow just anybody in, you know. First, you have to fill in a form, and then you have to push the submit button at the bottom...

But before you sign-up, please ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I live in the Santa Monica area?
  • Do I really want to play squash?
  • 3 times per month (sometimes 2, sometimes 4)?
  • Am I prepared to be flexible and play at different courts, by arrangement with my opponent?
  • Do I have reasonable access to transport to achieve the above?
  • Do I have easy and regular access (at the very least once a week) to an email account and the Internet?
  • Do I want to have an excellent time and meet lots of great people in a healthy, social, and competitive environment and be part of dynamic, cutting-edge squash league which just keeps on offering more features and services - for free?

If your answer is "No" to any of these questions, then go away, and come back when the answer to all of them is "Yes!".

All ages and abilities are more than welcome, from total beginner to Peter Nicol or Michelle Martin. If your game needs some improvement, we'll be only too happy to recommend an expert squash coach.

If you've made it this far, please read these important messages:

  • The information that you provide is private and confidential. Aside from your name and email address, only other registered members will be able to view additional information about you. However, no online computer system is bulletproof, and therefore Tri Fit can give no absolute guarantee of security. Only give information that you feel comfortable giving. As a member, you can update your personal profile at any time through the members' page.

  • Your safety is OUR concern, but YOUR responsibility. Tri Fit cannot and will not be liable for the conduct of its members on or off the court. Please take the normal precautions when arranging to meet and play someone for the first time.

  • By joining Tri Fit, you accept that your membership may be terminated at any time and without prior notice.

Now, stop procrastinating and join Tri Fit!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Have you ever joined Tri Fit before? If so, do not fill this form in again!. Contact your local club leader (Todd Larlee,, and he/she can reinstate your previous membership.

Please note: fields marked with a * are required.

First Name*

Last Name*


Choose a maximum of 10 characters, use only a-z and/or 0-9.



Date of Birth




Web address (personal)

Web address (work)

Web address (favourite)

Tel no. (home)

You must supply at least one phone number - home, work, or mobile.

Tel no. (work)

Tel no. (mobile)

Suburb of residence

The area where you live, not your street address.

Local squash centre

This is the place you at play at most regularly, and NOT necessarily the court nearest your home or work.

Squash grade

If you have been given an official/recognised grading by your local squash club or association, enter it here.

Squash ability*

Please choose the option which most closely approximates to your squash ability.

Squash ability comments

Are there any additional comments you wish to add to the above description?

Relative squash ability

If you've ever played any existing Tri Fit members, who are they, when did you play them, and what were the scores?


Are there any times when you cannot or prefer not to play? Maybe you prefer to play at the weekend, or perhaps you're only in the area two weeks in four? Let your future opponents know.

How did you hear about Tri Fit?

What other hobbies or interests do you have apart from squash?

This information is just to let other members know a little bit about you.


Again, this is for the interest of other members.

Words of Wisdom

IMPORTANT NOTE: Have you ever joined Tri Fit before? If so, do not fill this form in again!. Contact your local club leader (Todd Larlee,, and he/she can reinstate your previous membership.

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