World Squashleagues.com Match Count*: | 70428 |
Average Squash Matches Per Day*: | 7.62 |
J - Number of 'J'oining members
A - Number of 'A'ctive members
S - Number of 'S'ocial members
Squashleagues.com is an online squash league structure for individuals rather than teams. Each club is voluntarily managed by a local squash enthusiast, and not by Squashleagues.com. The onus is on active members of each club to decide where and when to play each other. The flexible nature of the Squashleagues.com system makes it particularly suitable for lovers of squash who are not able to make a regular team or weekly commitment. You are very welcome to join in the fun - either as a leader of your own club, or as an active member of a club near you.
- "World Squashleagues.com Match Count" is based on the number of recorded match results since the first was entered in August of 1998. A small percentage of these results will be 'walkovers' where no actual match took place.
- "Average Squash Matches Per Day" is based on the average number of results recorded since the 1st of January 2000.