Monthly Competition |
All Ages & Abilities Welcome |
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Advanced Automatic Ranking |
Play Where & When You Want |
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Monthly Competition
This is what Squashleagues.com is all about! Membership is broadly split into two groups - Active and Social. Social members have their details recorded on our database and are kept informed of goings-on, but the Active scene is where it's at. Active members are all entered in a ongoing league competition, and at every month-end are promoted up or relegated down the divisions based on their performance. Each division typically contains 4 members (occasionally 3 or 5 when the total number of Active members in a month doesn't divide nicely by 4), and each member is encouraged to play all other members of their division (also known as a 'round-robin' system). 1 points is awarded just for turning up, which acts as an added incentive for playing all your matches. All Ages & Abilities Welcome
It really doesn't matter if you've never swung a squash racket before, or if you're the world champion. OK, so we're a little short of world champions at this exact moment in time, but we've got plenty of future world beaters as members! Squashleagues.com welcomes ALL players.
One of the key features of Squashleagues.com is the rapid and fair promotion/demotion system. Within a month or two of joining, if not immediately, you'll find yourself in a division with other players of extremely similar ability. It's the best way to learn, improve, keep fit, meet other people, and to have fun doing it! Free Membership
Membership is and always will be free.
All we ask in return is that you bring with you a desire to play squash 3 times a month in your locality.
Squashleagues.com is brought to you by a dedicated group of squash enthusiasts, and supported by sponsorship. If there's sufficient demand, then the possibility exists to offer some optional 'premium' services to members who are really desperate to pay us money and to squeeze every ounce of functionality out of their membership, but don't hold your breathe waiting for this to happen. Your Results & Stats Live & Online
Do you know who keeps Squashleagues.com up-to-date? You do! Members are issued with their own unique membership number and password which gains them entrance into the members web pages. From here they can view and update their personal information, check out their match statistics and those of their opponents, and enter their latest match results. Each time a new match result is entered, personal statistics and the monthly results table are instantly updated. Advanced Automatic Ranking
A built-in, finely-tuned ranking system ensures that, after you've recorded just a few match results, you'll know your rank relative to other members. Play Where & When You Want
When it comes to arranging where and when you want to play, the ball is very much in your court. Each club contains members who live and work in a geographically small area (eg. a city or town), so it's completely up to you to contact your opponents each month and to agree on a time and a place. If you and your opponents wish to play all your matches on the last day of the month - fine! Just make sure you get all those results in before the new positions are calculated on or after the first day of the next month. Become a Squashleagues.com Leader
Don't see a Squashleagues.com squash club in your area? What are you going to about it? Simple: start your own. We are actively recruiting for new leaders to come forward and start up their own online squash league in their own town, wherever in the world that might be. Click here for more information. |