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Squash Leagues Management System

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    (click on highlighted column headings to sort)

    Name Matches Games Percentages
    Ameet 149 51 0 200 269 511 297 808 74 63 74
    Matthew Knotts 8 18 0 26 36 40 62 102 30 39 72
    Chris Moore 23 19 0 42 61 88 84 172 54 51 68
    Rich Jones 333 404 0 737 1086 1376 1450 2826 45 48 67
    Danny O'Shaughnessy 258 286 0 544 945 1046 1104 2150 47 48 57
    Chris Cahill 77 97 0 174 302 298 359 657 44 45 57
    Nathan Gianneschi 69 101 0 170 295 292 367 659 40 44 57
    Hugh Bartling 103 122 0 225 417 432 452 884 45 48 53
    Tim 4 9 0 13 25 14 32 46 30 30 52
    Frank L 57 40 0 97 194 198 160 358 58 55 50
    Daniel Altneu 10 37 0 47 98 55 118 173 21 31 47
    Mark Kruse 4 23 0 27 60 19 75 94 14 20 45
    Mark Berry 10 0 0 10 22 30 2 32 100 93 45
    Ananth Shankar 18 13 0 31 70 60 45 105 58 57 44
    Antoine Devincenti 0 2 0 2 8 0 6 6 0 0 25


    1. This list displays stats only for 'active' players in the current month.
    2. A player must have recorded at least 1 match to appear in the list.
    3. Newer members will tend to be lower down the list than more established players at the start of every month, but will rise more rapidly towards the top of the list as they record their match results.


    W Won. Total number of matches won.
    L Lost. Total number of matches lost.
    D Drawn. Total number of matches drawn.
    TM Total Matches. Total number of matches played.
    AM Available Matches. Total number of matches which were available to be played.
    F For. Total number of games for. Note that a match is 'the best of 5 games', which means that the first player to win 3 games is the winner.
    A Against. Total number of games against.
    TG Total Games. Total number of games played.
    W/TM Matches won / total matches played. Higher is better.
    F/TG Games won / total games played. Higher is better.
    TM/AM Total matches played / total matches available to be played. Higher is definitely better! The higher this number, the more likely it is that this person will play all his/her matches in a month.

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