W |
Won. Total number of matches won. |
L |
Lost. Total number of matches lost. |
D |
Drawn. Total number of matches drawn. |
TM |
Total Matches. Total number of matches played. |
AM |
Available Matches. Total number of matches which were available to be played. |
F |
For. Total number of games for. Note that a match is 'the best of 5 games', which means that the first player to win 3 games is the winner. |
A |
Against. Total number of games against. |
TG |
Total Games. Total number of games played. |
W/TM |
Matches won / total matches played. Higher is better. |
F/TG |
Games won / total games played. Higher is better. |
Total matches played / total matches available to be played. Higher is definitely better! The higher this number, the more likely it is that this person will play all his/her matches in a month. |